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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Tangible Fit Nation results!

For almost three months now, we've been asking you to go to CNN.com/Fitnation to take the Fit Nation Challenge.

You see, Dr. Sanjay Gupta is trying to reverse what seems to be an unstoppable trend - our growing waistlines. Even if you exercise regularly, it can be hard to feel that you're making a difference in the obesity epidemic. To that end, we felt it was so important to quantify your impact. And today, just when I was starting to lose the sight of the Fit Nation Tour in my rearview mirror, I got a happy surprise.

Yesterday afternoon, I checked on the Fit Nation site to see how we are doing. As of 3 p.m. Thursday, the hours people had pledged in weekly exercise had added 1,784,320 hours to their lives.

Fast-forward to this morning. A link to our Fit Nation page was featured on the front page of CNN.com! I wondered whether more people reading about Fit Nation would help us get even more hours.

My jaw hit the floor!!

Our new total was 2,227,840 hours!! Not only did we surpass the 2 million hour mark - that's twice what we initially set out to do - but we FLEW past it, adding more than 500,000 hours last night alone!

I believe this shows the appetite (pardon the pun) people have for solving the obesity problem. I hope, if you haven't already, you will make a pledge today. Thanks to you, we've added more than 254 years of life. I'd call that a tangible impact.

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